Our Program is unique, as we fuse new-experimental therapy with traditional therapy modalities as the backbone of our treatment structure.


  • We start with a brief wolf psychology education, description and how the wolves maintain,health, protection, survival and pack harmony by the littlest effort needed, exhibiting an ideal mental & physical energy preservation method to maintain optimal robust health and low stress.
  • We introduce our patients to the pack and the therapy begins. 
  • Additionally we introduce the patients to the previous wild Mustangs and carry out evidence-based, Equine therapy techniques, modelling Prison reform therapy with Wild Mustangs in the West. *Robert Redford(Head of Sundance Film Festival, director, actor) recently produced a movie, link: The Mustang on this highly effective, animal therapy for a myriad of disorders.


Group therapy treatment plan, in brief:

Is Psycho-educational, Experimental with use of Psychodrama/Gestalt, Mindfulness training, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy to augment the group sessions. Use of these augmentations will vary group to group, depending on the nature of the group and assessing their Transtheoretical model stages of change level.

Our recovery philosophy:

Think of “drug recovery” as mastering a “sport”, by exercising our psyche muscles, building technique and mind-control strength.

Demystifying Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis:

  Hypnotherapy is a natural state of relaxation, when the client is in full control under a state of  Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is taught in several Clinical PhD Psychology programs and is gaining much popularity due to high success rates, especially for cessations of addictions and stress & anger control, maintenance and mastery.

*Our local Head Narcotic Detective, Steve Westpaul is also a Hypnotherapist and has worked with forensic Hypnotherapists per drug related robbery and murder cases. Detective Westpaul has provide us with this interview quote per our use of Hypnotherapy on patients with substance abuse disorder:

“Hypnosis unlocks parts of one’s brains that are not accessible to us consciously, and the power it can unlock, is shocking.”
~ Steve Westpaul, Michigan City, IN, Narcotic Detective 

Primary Alternative , modern therapies used in group:

  • Hypnosis techniques (Self Hypnosis training, Hypnosis for stress relief, anger and drug craving management.)
  • Mindfulness training (Meditation, Yoga breathing techniques & Staying present.)
  • Life Coaching (Realistic Goal setting)

   A word from one of our program advisors:

  *We presented our program to one of our program advisors – acclaimed NYC author/writer, Emily Carter, who’s book, Glory Goes and Gets Some, reveals her years of heavy drug use struggles, and it’s repercussions. Emily rafter reviewing our program wrote us the following response:

It’s very important for the addict/alcoholic to find their pack. All of the issues of confidence and mindfulness that you mentioned are extremely exciting. Anything that takes the addicts focus off the addict and onto the world is hugely helpful. Even more, though, there is something important about giving the addict, without the usual tools, pleasure. Anhedonia–inability to experience pleasure–is a huge issue for addicts. It is usually a pre-condition of becoming an addict, and it’s causes are legion; abuse, genetic predisposition, poverty, too much wealth, anxiety….about a million causes. By the time the addict is in treatment, they’ve had plenty of stick, the horrors of active addiction are actually horrors. What’s needed is something pleasurable to give sobriety the glamour and allure once reserved for intoxication. Working with another species, actually communicating with it, living being to living being, is a known endorphin release. It’s as old as the hills.
So you might want to pump up the emphasis on the pleasure humans get from interacting with other species, as well as the mindfulness and self esteem. It’s exciting to work with large animals….something to look forward to at a time when the addict may well feel caught between the ol’ rock and hard place. What gave you pleasure isn’t an option anymore, but nothing else does either. The actual rush one gets from being around animals, the freedom of finding new ways to communicate, is a rush, not to put to fine a point on it. It’s very important for the addict/alcoholic to find their pack.

~ Emily Carter Roiphe,

Author, NYer magazine columnist, ex-Heroin addict living with HIV.

Carter’s Wikipedia page:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Carter


We are fully insurance for Wolf interaction therapy and Mustang therapy by Guide One insurance. All participants will sign a waiver and be insured to cover any medical costs.

Program costs:

Celebrating our Summer opening: From July to the end of August groups of three, either: PTSD, Substance Abuse or Veteran groups may be gifted our program and wolf therapy TM, at no cost, to Indiana residents only.

  • Generally we ask for a $250 a day therapy donation per person.
  • Group discounts are available.
    Sliding scale for programs that qualify.

Contact: [email protected] to book a group, join a group screening stage, or general inquiries on the above information.
